Address: |
view address Sweeny, TX 77480 Map Location |
Property Type: | Land |
Neighborhood: | D Mccormick | School District: | 51 - Sweeny |
County: | Brazoria | Listing Number: | 71444652 |
Listed By: | United Real Estate |
Explore this exceptional 32-acre property on CR 359 Blacks Ferry Road in Sweeny, TX. Versatile tract with extensive sand pits, ideal for industrial use or transforming into waterfowl ponds. Prime location for sand extraction, commercial development, or agricultural purposes, including pond creation for waterfowl. Substantial sand deposits offer a solid foundation for industrial operations, construction materials, or environmental projects. Strategic location with excellent accessibility, making it a rare investment in a high-growth area. Remarkable potential for industrial, agricultural, and commercial development. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity!
Elementary School: | SWEENY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL | Middle or Junior School: | SWEENY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL |
Annual Tax: | 289 |
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This information is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on in making any home-buying decisions. School information does not guarantee enrollment. Contact a local real estate professional or the school district(s) for current information on schools. This information is not intended for use in determining a person’s eligibility to attend a school or to use or benefit from other city, town or local services.
Community information and market data Powered by Onboard Informatics. Copyright ©2024 Onboard Informatics. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
This information is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on in making any home-buying decisions. School information does not guarantee enrollment. Contact a local real estate professional or the school district(s) for current information on schools. This information is not intended for use in determining a person’s eligibility to attend a school or to use or benefit from other city, town or local services.
Community information and market data Powered by Onboard Informatics. Copyright ©2024 Onboard Informatics. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
This information is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on in making any home-buying decisions. School information does not guarantee enrollment. Contact a local real estate professional or the school district(s) for current information on schools. This information is not intended for use in determining a person’s eligibility to attend a school or to use or benefit from other city, town or local services.